From: Kyle Hudgins
Subject: BAPTISM!
Date: 21 Sep 2013 15:00:30 PM MDT
Good afternoon family! Well I guess everyone is getting ready for the BYU Utah game right now. I hope it is going well for the Utes. Well its good to hear from all of you this week. It really has been a crazy week with lots of traveling but it sure has been a lot of fun. We started our trip on Satruday night and didn’t get home till late thursday night. It was fun. We has a lot of fun in Barioloche where the president took us to see the Llao Llao hotel which is super nice. It was also fun just too see all the scenery of Bariloche. It really convinced me that Bariloche is a can’t miss place to visit if we come back to argentina. Also when we made the trip from Bariloche to San Martin de los Andes we took the 7 lakes route which is just amazing. We passed through Villa la Angostura which we are hoping to open this coming transfer and boy that is seriously the prettiest place ever. I would love to be the missionary that opens that little town. But the trip was going great until the last day when we were traveling home from Zapala. I´ll tell you the story. So here in Argentina at all the gas stations there are people that fill up your gas. So one of the guys I guess messed up and put gas in the hilux and not diesel. So we got about 30 Km outside of Zapala and the car broke down. So we had to wait 3 hours until elder Ehmke could come out and meet us. We got a tow truck and it hauled the hilux to Neuquen but we didn´t get home tilll 12:30 that night and then we had to wake up bright and early to go to Roca yesterday so it has been a tiring week and this morning my body just kind of gave up and i was just really suffed up with a huge head ache and with a cough. So today Elder Wagstaff had to do all the training by himself because Hermana Ehmke said that I needed to stay home to get some rest. Hopefully tomorrow I will be a little better and also for Monday and Tuesday for our last two training meetings.
So on Satruday the Baptism was great. There was a lot of support from the ward. The youth and the primary prepared a musical number so that was great and there was a good showing from the ward. The Ehmke’s have also helped a ton with the familia Rios, having family home eveing with them and checking up on them while we have been gone. It sure was great to see the kids get baptized and also Hermana Rios was also very happy. Its amazing how much she has changed over the course of the last few months. It is something that I am really great for for to be a part of.
Well I hope you all have a wonderfull week. I love you all!
Elder Kyle Hudgins
Here is a picture of Elder Wagstaff and I on the balcony of President´s hotel in Bariloche.
After the interview in Zapala we had luch with Guille and Laura. It was great to see them again.

Back: Elder Hudgins, Elder Wagstaff, Guille Venegas, Presidente Lovell, Elder Peterson.
Front: Daughter, Laura Nahuel, Hermana Lovell, Elder Suarez.
Here are two really great friends Elder Sasine and Elder Vizcarra. They are the zone leaders in Bariloche. Elder Wagstaff and I were there zone leaders in Zapala.