
From: Kyle Hudgins
Subject: Hello Family!
Date: 11 Mar 2013 08:05:28 AM MDT

Hello everyone back home. Its good to hear from you all this morning. So I guess I´ll clear up a few things from my last email. We do not have a car. We were with a member and his car broke down. But yes, it would sure be nice to have a car.

Anyway this week was a little crazy. I guess I´ll do it all in chronological order. So on Monday, we found a really sweet new investigator. Her name is Lucia. We were going by a menos activa and they were outside drinking mate and we asked if we could share a message with both of them. It turns out the Lucia is actually an old investigator. We talked to her about the plan of salvation and how it can bless her family (because she has 9 kids!). It was a great lesson and we made an appointment to come back on Saturday in her house. So we went and we talked about baptism with her. We found her teaching register and saw that the missoinaries tried putting a baptismal date with her multiple times but never accepted because she is afraid that her mom wont accept it. But we were talking and we invited and she accepted. It was awesome. She really recognizes the importance and said she would be willing to prepare herself to be baptized. Unfortunately she didn´t come to church. But we are making progress with her and hopefully we will find her this week and recommitt her.

So on Wednesday we had zone leader council and had a capacitacion with the president. It was a really awesome council where president talked about us helping our missionaries be excellent missionaries. there are going to be a ton of changes in the mission in the coming months and the president is really focusing on how we can change ourselves. It was a really good one and we went to San Martin and Cutral Co to so the same capacitacion with our zone. I think the missionaries recieved it really well and I´m looking forward to the results.

So last night Elder Irala left and now my new companion is Elder Lundskog. He is coming from being zone leader in Comodoro. I don´t really know him that well so we will see how it goes. But I´m sure we will have a great time and I´m excited for him to come.

Well I love you all and hope you have a wonderfull week.!

Elder Kyle Hudgins



So here are a pictures of some dog that always come up to us to play with us whenever we leave the apartment and return.

Some Dog

Some Dog


Hello Family!

From: Kyle Hudgins
Subject: Hello Family!
Date: 4 Mar 2013 07:29:19 AM MST

Hello everyone! I´m glad to hear that you are all doing well. Well this week was unlike any other with difficulties with health and trials in the work and also with some miracles sprinkled on top.

So thisweek both Elder Irala and I came down with a nasty cold which really made it hard for us to work. And also while we worked it seemed like all of our appointments would fall through. It was Saturday and we had barely taught any lessons. But on Saturday we had a great day. We found a part member family called the Familia Saavedra. The hermana Saavedra has been less active for about 6 or 7 years. She is maried to a non member and her son is 9 years old and not baptized. We found them and got to know them and talked about how the gospel of Jesus Christ had blessed her life. We committed them to come to church and the Hermana came with her two sons. It was great because she came even though she has been pretty sick this whole week. It was great to see them in church and she said she really loved it. So we will continue to work with them. I was a nice blessing.

The other blessing we recieved was we finally found a really good old investigator that we Elder Irala had lost contact with. Her name is Veronica and she is awesome. She has a strong desire to be baptized but the thing that is holding her up is that she is not married and the guy she is living with doesn´t have much of a desire to get married. Elder Irala told me that when they were teaching her before that she started to cry when she found out she couldn´t be baptized. And then after that we couldn´t find her. But we finally found her again this week and she said that she was having a lot of problems and said she felt really for just leaving us like that. But she said that she had been reading the Book of Mormon and still has a desire to be baptized more than ever now. We had a great lesson with her. Elder Irala was really happy to be able to find her again and we are really excited to start teaching her again. Hopefully we can help her make this important step in her life so she can receive the blessing of the gospel.

Well, last week I mentioned that we were going to Primeros Pinos but on our way there the car broke down and we weren´t able to make it. But we had a good experience and we still had a good time.

This is the last week of the transfer and it sure is going to be a crazy one with a lot of traveling. On tuesday night we go to Neuquen for zone leader council then we go straight to San Martin for the capaciacion and then we come back on Thursday in the evening and then on Friday morning we go to Cutral Co for another capacitacion. So hopefully I will find some sleep somewhere in there. It should be pretty crazy. Well I love you all and hope you all have a wonderfull week!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

Elder Queirolo and Elder Hudgins

Elder Queirolo and Elder Hudgins

Dear Family

From: Kyle Hudgins
Subject: Dear Family
Date: 25 Feb 2013 07:21:19 AM MST

Hello everyone. Well it looks like you already found out about the big news in the mission argentina Neuquen. In July they are going to split the mission and form the Comodoro Rivadavia mission. That means if I happen to be in Trelew, Comodoro, or Caleta Olivia in July, I will be part of that mission. So that is a possibility. That would also be really crazy. But that is going to be wonderfull because it will help strengthen the the church here in the Patagonia. There will be a lot more missionaries to help the wards and everything so it will be really exciting to see how everything turns out.

Well this week was pretty good. We had zone conference which is always awesome. We had a great one. We talked a lot about being more united as a mission and it was really fun with some of the practices we did. We all learned a lot and I think it animated the zone a lot too. I´m looking forward to what is going to become of this mission.

This week we were able to find a couple new people. The first is Alex. His mom is a member menos activo for about 20 year. Alex is 13 and is awesome. We talked about the restoration with him and talked about the holy ghost and how it can testify to him that these things are true. His mom shared her experiences when she was baptized and when she recieved the holy ghost. It was a sweet lesson with the spirit. Hopefully we can help her be active so Alex and be baptized.

We also found Omar. He is a really awsesome guy who lives with his wife and two kids. He told us that there are so many churches now a day that you can´t know for sure which one is the true. We talked to him about prayer and the restoration and he said that it all made sence. He accepted the invation to be baptzed as well so that was awesome. We are going by today and hopefully we can put a fecha with him so we can work towards that. The Lord really is blessing us with some really good new investiagators.

Well I don´t have too much time today because we are going to a place called Primeros Pinos. I´ll make sure to take some pictures. I love you all and hope you have a wonderfull week!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

Dear Family

From: Kyle Hudgins <kyle.hudgins@myldsmail.net>
Subject: Dear Family
Date: 18 Feb 2013 07:13:36 AM MST

Hello everyone over there far away. I hope everyone is doing well. this week was a nice week. We went to San Martín de los Andes early this week and man is that a really pretty place. Its just like Park City. Its awesome. Everything is built out of wood. All the stores and everything in centro are all wood and its super cool. Unfortunatly I forgot my camera and wasn´t able to get any pictures. But we will be going over there and spending a p day there in the next coming weeks so I will be sure to take many pictures. It was a fun day. We did the same capacitacion with the Elders in San Martin. There are 4 there and Elder Hernandez my old comp is there so that was kind of fun and also really weird because now I´m his zone leader is what he says. But we had a good capacitacion. It went a lot smoother and better than the last one. Afterward we stayed and did intercambios and I went out to work with Elder Castro. He is a pretty sweet missionary that loves to learn and works hard. We had a tough day but we were able to learn a lot from each other so that was good. The only bad thing about going to San Martin is the traveling. We had to leave Wednesday at 2 in the morning and we got back to zapala at 4 in the morning on Thursday so that really killed us. It was tough to get back into the swing of things.

So this week we made a lot of progress with Adalberto and Gabriela. We went by their house on Tuesday and we hadn´t talked to them for a while. They said that we came just at the right time. The past week they had had a lot of problems in between them and things wern´t going well. We tought the restoration and invited Gabriela to give the closing prayer and to ask God if these things are true. She said the prayer and it was amazing. The spirit was felt so strong and she was recieving her answer. We went by again on Thursday and she said that she had been praying more and now is willing to so what ever to be baptized. We talked to them about a wedding date and we put one for the 8 of March so she can be baptized the 9 of March. It was awesome and she was really excited. So things were going really well. We went by their house yesterday morning to go to church with them but Adalberto wasn´t home. It turns out that some things happened and the plans are kind of on hold for right now. Its a really big challenge now for them. I really hope they can be strong and continue because the gospel is what is going to help them, nothing else. We will be praying extra hard for them.

The truth is that this week has been filled with challenges like that. Whether it be trying to find member to join us in appointments or just appointments falling through. It has been really tough. But really I feel like Elder Irala is helping me be the best missionary I have been on my mission so keep on going. Hopefully things start turing out better soon. But it has really been a good oportunity to learn thats for sure.

Well I love you all and I hope you all have a wonderfull week!

Elder Kyle Hudgins


From: Kyle Hudgins <kyle.hudgins@myldsmail.net>
Subject: hoooooola
Date: 11 Feb 2013 07:37:03 AM MST

Well it was another crazy week and I guess i´m getting right into my role as zone leader. This week we had the opportunity to participate in the zone leaders council. To be honest it was kind of boring. It was super hot and humid in Neuquen as well. We were all dying in the chapel. But there was some pretty sweet things that President Lovell shared with us and things that will really help me and give me some more animo and really understand why I am here. Also lunch was really good. Some chicken that was made american style with like cajun spices type deal (I don´t really know how else to explain it) and some mashed potatoes. It was a nice piece of home. It was also fun to see Elder Kimball who I haven´t seen for about a year so that was fun to catch up and share some experiences and everything.

So with the zone leader council came my first capacitación (do I say training? but that doesn´t sound right). Clearly spanish is ruining my english. But you know I was thinking yeah it will go well and everything like that but it was a little rocky. I wasn´t really sure how to do it. Its difficult to teach and do all the pracitces in just 2 and a half hours. But the missionaries said it was good. But it was deffinitly a time to learn from mistakes haha. The next one will be a lot better when we go to San Martin tomorrow. I guess sometimes you just have to learn things by making mistakes at first.

So anyway this week we had a baptism! Oriana was baptized this past saturday and it was a pretty memorable service. So it was a pretty cloudy day all day on saturday and we were hoping the rain would hold off until after the baptismal service. So we went outside and took some pictures and everything and right when we got inside there were some huge lightning strike and really loud thunder and it cut the power. It started raining soooo hard. Without the microphone it was hard to hear the speakers with all the rain falling on the roof of the church. So we had the baptismal service without power but it was still a great service. It was awesome to perform the ordiance. Its amazing how you can feel the power of God in the ordiances.

Well I hope you all have a wonderfull week. Know that I love you all so much. Thank you for all the support!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

This is a picture of Oriana and Elder Irala

Oriana and Elder Irala

Oriana and Elder Irala

This is with Elder Kimball in Neuquén

With Elder Kimball

With Elder Kimball

Hello Everyone!

From: Kyle Hudgins <kyle.hudgins@myldsmail.net>
Subject: Hello Everyone!
Date: 4 Feb 2013 07:42:12 AM MST

Woooooowwwww! What great news I have heard today. I´m so proud of you Dad and I know that you are going to serve well in your new calling.

This week had been awesome with a lot of miracles. Earlyer this week we went and did exchanges with the missionaries in Cutral Co. I went out and worked with Elder Nielson who is a kapo. He is pretty new in the mission and has been haveing a little hard time with some comps that aren´t so excited about the work. In the area they had been having a hard time finding some investigators so that was our goal for the day. We went out talking to everyone we could see trying to do everything we could to get into a house. We had an awesome day and we were able to find 4 new investigators for their area. It was awesome. We had a great time and hopefully that will give their area a little boost in animo.

This week we have also seen some miracles in our area. I´ll start with Adalberto and Gabriela. These two are awesome. We started teaching them both on Monday and taught them about the plan of salvation the lesson was amazing. Adalberto expressed to us his disire to change his life and to start doing things right and coming back to church. We came back on wednesday and he said that his desire to drink and smoke have gone away. He said that he smoked one cigarette and it gave him a big headache. We talked about the family and how the gospel of Jesus Christ blesses the family. We comitted them to come to church and we said we would come by in the morning on Sunday. So yesterday we were walking down the street we saw Adalberto and Gabriela and their little daughter Ariana waiting outside their house for us. We were so happy to see them out there. They had a great time in church and loved it. We went by last night and Adalberto said that he made it throught the whole Boca and River match without drinking a beer which is a miracle. We talked about marriage and they said that they are going to talk about it. Hopefully by the end of the week we can get a weding date for them.

So we had another miracle with Oriana. She is the daughter of Vanesa a recent convert who wants to get baptized but we thought we had to get permission from both perents for her to get baptized. We did exchanges with the assistants this week and talked to them about the situation because Oriana hadn´t been able to talk to her dad. They told us that with permission of one perent is enough espesially if she lives with that parent. So this week we will be having a baptism for Oriana. She is awesome. She is only 10 years old but reads everything we leave her in the book of mormon. Its amazing how much the Lord is blessing us.

Well I love you all and it sounds like everything back at home is just as wonderfull over here. I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

Here is a picture of some of the chacras on the outer parts of our area.



Hello Family!

From: Kyle Hudgins <kyle.hudgins@myldsmail.net>
Subject: Hello Family!
Date: 28 Jan 2013 07:26:33 AM MST

Well this week has been pretty sweet here in Zapala. It has been really fun gettting to know the area and meet all the wonderful people. The people here are very different. Everyone is a lot nicer and more willing to talk to you on the street and because of that we have had some really great street contacts. So it has been really fun. I´m really excited because the area and my comp are pretty awesome. My comp is Elder Irala and is from Misiones, Argentina. He is awesome. He is finishign the mission in March but he doesn´t let that get to him. He is more motivated to baptize than ever.

So here in Avellaneda we have some pretty sweet investigators. One of them is Roberto. He came to a baptism and went to church last week. We started teaching him this week and all the lessons have gone great. He has a strong desire to learn and be baptized. Its amazing how he understands the doctrine in every lesson and how he applies it to his life. Unfortuantly we found out that he is not married but fortunately he and his wife are legally divored from their previous marriages. So that was a relief because the paperwork for a divorce here takes about 3 months sometimes longer but you can get married in about 2 weeks so thats was nice. Yesterday he came to church and all the talks in sacrament were about marriage haha. He said at the end, well everything they said was for me no? We are going by today to explain a little more about marriage and hopefully set a wedding date for them.

We also found some really awesome new investigators this week. Her name is Gabriela. She went to church a lot when she was younger and wanted to get baptized but her parents wouldn’t let her. But we found her this week and she is together with a less active member. She is awesome and participated a lot in our lesson with us. They are not married but she said that it is something she wants to do. Hopefully we can talk to her husband and help him realize the importance of marriage. She was super set to come to church this week but her daughter was sick on sunday morning so she wasnt able to come. But she said that for sure she would come next week.

We should also be having a couple other baptisms in the coming weeks. Last week a girl named Vanesa was baptized and she seriously is a capa. She has a daughter named Oriana that is 11 that is just as capa as Vanesa. She always reads what we leave and she wants to be baptized. We just need to wait for her dad to give permission and it will be set. There is another investigator named Janet. She is a girlfriend of an ex missionary that is returning to the church. Yesterday she was in our gospel principals class. We talked about the atonement and she was participating a ton in the lesson. Elder Irala says that she had never been like that. Nestor, her boyfriend told us that she knows its true. We just need to teach her more but its been a little hard to find her because her parents are really in favor. HOpefully with prayer and fasting their hearts will be softend and we can teach her more frequently to help her progress to baptism.

Well thats about all I have. Its been a wokderfull week and im sure the next will be better. I love you all!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

From: Kyle Hudgins <kyle.hudgins@myldsmail.net>
Subject: photos
Date: 28 Jan 2013 07:36:22 AM MST

The first is with Omar and his family. We had an asado with them a couple nights before I left.

Omar and his family

Omar and his family

The other is the Familia Aguero. They are awesome Brian that is standing next to me is going on a mission to Colombia in March

Familia Aguero

Familia Aguero

Crazy Week!!

Kyle will be serving as a Zone Leader in Zapala.  His zone covers some of the prettiest parts of Argentina. (jh)

From: Kyle Hudgins <kyle.hudgins@myldsmail.net>
Subject: Crazy Week!!
Date: 21 Jan 2013 11:43:13 AM MST

Well we have had a pretty crazy week here in Parque 2. I guess I´ll start with transfers! I turns our that I will be leaving today at 10:30 to go tooo……… Zapala as a zone leader! Crazy huh? It should be really fun though. My new comp is elder Irala and I´ve heard a lot of good things about him, but what everone says is that he walks really fast haha so we´ll see how it goes. But its a little intimidating but I talked to the president this morning and he says that he has all the confidence in me so it will be really fun. I will get to know San Martin de los Andes too so that will be nice to see some very pretty areas.

So this week we were able to see some progress in Omar. He started reading and is really likeing the things that he reads. He is developing a testimony of the Book of Mormon which is awesome. The next thing that we need to work on is just getting him to church. I know that if he comes he will find the disire to get baptized in this church.

This week we also found a new investigator, her name is  Schirley. She is really nice but super catholic. Its really interesting because I haven´t really taught many catholics in the mission pretty much everyone has been evangelical. But we talked about the Book of Mormon and she said that there is no way that Christ came to the americas. WE had a good chat with her thought. She was very nice though and wants us to come back and talk more about this Chirst is the americas. Hopefully the missionaries can continue teaching her and eventually teach all of her family.

Well I hope you all have a great week. I love you all very much. Next week i´ll be writing from the wonderful city of Zapala. Have a wonderful day!

Elder Kyle Hudgins