Crazy Week!!

Kyle will be serving as a Zone Leader in Zapala.  His zone covers some of the prettiest parts of Argentina. (jh)

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: Crazy Week!!
Date: 21 Jan 2013 11:43:13 AM MST

Well we have had a pretty crazy week here in Parque 2. I guess I´ll start with transfers! I turns our that I will be leaving today at 10:30 to go tooo……… Zapala as a zone leader! Crazy huh? It should be really fun though. My new comp is elder Irala and I´ve heard a lot of good things about him, but what everone says is that he walks really fast haha so we´ll see how it goes. But its a little intimidating but I talked to the president this morning and he says that he has all the confidence in me so it will be really fun. I will get to know San Martin de los Andes too so that will be nice to see some very pretty areas.

So this week we were able to see some progress in Omar. He started reading and is really likeing the things that he reads. He is developing a testimony of the Book of Mormon which is awesome. The next thing that we need to work on is just getting him to church. I know that if he comes he will find the disire to get baptized in this church.

This week we also found a new investigator, her name is  Schirley. She is really nice but super catholic. Its really interesting because I haven´t really taught many catholics in the mission pretty much everyone has been evangelical. But we talked about the Book of Mormon and she said that there is no way that Christ came to the americas. WE had a good chat with her thought. She was very nice though and wants us to come back and talk more about this Chirst is the americas. Hopefully the missionaries can continue teaching her and eventually teach all of her family.

Well I hope you all have a great week. I love you all very much. Next week i´ll be writing from the wonderful city of Zapala. Have a wonderful day!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

Hello Family!

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: Hello Family!
Date: 14 Jan 2013 07:41:40 AM MST

Well hello everyone. The emails are telling me that it really cold over there. Well over here its quite the opposite. They were saying that on Friday it got up to 37 degrees. Thats in celcius, i don´t know how much it us in ferenheit but it pretty darn hot. But I sure am getting a nice farmers tan!

Well this week proved to be difficult with the weather and also with investigators choosing not to listen to us. The girl we found last week, Karen, decided to not listen to us anymore and we haven´t been able to get in contact with Fabian and Daniela either. But we did have another great lesson with Omar. We had what you call a charla franca with him this week. Or i guess you could call it a lesson where you just talk frankly with him. We really focused on prayer and reading the Book of Mormon to get an answer if the church is true. We felt the spirit really strong and I hope that he can keep his commitments. He then invited us for an asado on Friday. So that was very nice. Omar is awesome and I pray that he can keep his committments. Hopefully we will be able to see som progress in him this week.

This week we were able to find some people knocking some doors. One of them was a catholic that I felt impressed to contact her mentioning prophets. She said that she didn´t believe any of that stuff but we started up a conversation that lasted about 30 minutes outside her house. We shared with her the message of the restoration and she really started to open up to us. At the begining she was really hard hearted and a little stubborn but by the end she was laughing and smiling with us. She was very friendly and invited us over this week. Another was with a nother woman. She was sitting down outsided of Fabian and Daniela´s house but they weren´t home. She told us they weren´t home. We started up a conversation about what we share and she told us she was recently operated and was feeling really bad. She said that the conversation about the gospel brightened up her day and was so greatfull for us. She happily accepted a pamphlet and we set up an appoinement to go back. Those are just some of the great blessing that come from sharing the gospel in evey moment. There is always someone you can help out and they will be able to feel the spirit of the mesage of the restored gospel.

So this week is the last of the transfer so we will see what happens but there is a possiblitly that I may be leaving. But whatever it is, there is still a lot of work to do here in Parque 2 and hopefully we can find some more people to teach the gospel.

I love you all, hope you have a great week!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: photos
Date: 14 Jan 2013 08:15:36 AM MST

Haha I still have some photos from New Years. The first is with Gonzalo and Miguel Lezana, The other is the birthday of Hno Lezan and Gonzalo. The family didin´t have engough money to make a cake so we went out and bought one for them. It was pretty awesome.

Gonzalo and Miguel Lezana

Gonzalo and Miguel Lezana.

Hermano Lezan and Gonzalo's Birthday

Hermano Lezan and Gonzalo’s Birthday.

Hello Family!

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: Hello Family!
Date: 7 Jan 2013 08:28:20 AM MST

Hello everyone back at home. Well I guess while you guys are suffering in the cold it has been really hot down here. I´m getting a nice tan so thats a plus. The work is still moving forward as well so thats really good.

So I´ll start with our new years celebrations. New Years eve we were with the Flia Lezana again. We had a good time eating some good asado and all that good stuff. We all had a good time together. New years day we got together with all the missionaries in Trelew and we all ate some tacos. We played some football and some card games as well. It was just a fun time to pass with all the other missionaries.

So this week we were blessed to find a sweet new investigator. Her name is Karen and we found her by knocking doors. She really doesn´t know much about religion and the bible which makes it very different teaching her. We tought the restoration and it was a sweet lesson. We could feel the spirit testify of the truthfulness of the message and she did as well and accepted a baptismal invitation for the 9 of feb. So hopefully we can continue teaching her and also start to teach her family.

So unfortunatly this week we weren´t able to find Omar or Fabian and Daniela to teach them a lesson. But we did talk to Daniela in the door for a little bit and she said that they both had been reading so thats awesome. HOpefully this week we can find them and start teaching them more and they can progress more.

Well I hope you all have a wonderfull week. To bad the vacations are already over with. They sure do go by fast. I love you all!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: Photos
Date: 7 Jan 2013 08:31:50 AM MST

This picture is of the medicine Elder Julcahuanca gave me. Its onion and sugar. I was pretty congested and took this at night and woke up and everything was gone. It worked wonders!

Onions and SugarThis picture is from New Years with Natalia, Ezequiel, Enzo and Maite Lezana.

Natalia, Ezequiel, Enzo and Maite Lezana


Happy New Year!

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: Happy New Year!
Date: 31 Dec 2012 07:51:00 AM MST

Hey everyone! Well its nice to be able to write you on this wonderful new year´s eve. Here in Trelew the weather has been very similar to that of Utah. It has been very cold and rainy the whole week. Today is a pretty ugly day. But we will make it a good day with the new years celebrations tonight.

So we just had a really awesome week. First off it was just wonderfull to see you all on Christmas. On Christmas Eve we spent the evening with the familia Lezana. This family is pretty much the coolest and so nice to us. Whenever we don´t have lunch they tell us to come over and si o si we have lunch with them every Tuesday and Thursday. So we are eating over there a lot. Its also crazy because its a family of 10! So we are always having a great time over there.

This week we were able to see some miracles. First off we met with Fabian and Daniela. We hadn´t seen them for a little while but we were finally able to get a lesson with them. The lesson was great and it was awesome to be able to talk to both of them. We talked about baptism and following Jesus Christ. We were able to put a fecha for both of them and they both comitted to reading and praying. So hopefully we will be able to help them out. They are already really confortable with us and really open so hopefully we can help them apple the gospel in their lives.

The other miricle happened yesterday. We were at church and one of the daughters of the flia Lezana, Ivana brought a friend with her to church. We at lunch with them as well after and the friend ate with us. We talked with her and she loved the church. We talked to her a little bit about the Book of Mormon and how it testifies of Christ. We were also able to put a fecha with her but infortunately she lives in the area of Union 2. But when we pased the reference, Elder Castillo and Elder Wagstaff were really happy! So hopefully they can continue with the teaching and then she can reach her baptismal date.

Well I don´t have too much time. I´ll send pictures next week of chirstmas and new years and all that good stuff. I love you all very much Happy New Year!

Elder Kyle Hudgins


From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: Hello!
Date: 17 Dec 2012 07:44:02 AM MST

Hey everyone back up there in the United States. This week was a pretty fun one getting used to my new comp Elder Julcahuanca. He is a pretty sick guy and we are getting along great and working really well together so things here in Parque are looking really exciting.

This week we were able to see some great blessing from our Heavenly Father. We taught Omar again and we talked about fallowing Jesus Christ through baptism. We were reading a lot from 2 Nefi 31 and the spirit was really strong in the lesson. We were able to put a baptismal date with him for the 12 of January. Hopefully we can continue to have spiritual experiencias with him so he can prepare for his baptism. I´m really excited for him. He started to read the Book of Mormon but unfortuanately he told us he would be able to go to church this week. We committed him for next week and this week we will committ him again. Hopefully we can help him with that.

This week we also met with Oscar again. Things are getting better for him. He found some work and is now living in a very humble construction site. He has gotten his drinking problem under control and we were finally able to have a good lesson with him. We taugh him about the gospel of Jesus Chirst and really focued on recieving a remision of sins. It went well. But we weren´t able to put a fecha with him because he has a lot of dudas about he book of mormon. We will see him this week and talk with him about it to help in understand a little more. But its nice to see that we were able to help him and he has recieved blessings too. Hopefully he will accept our message this week.

Well that is about all for this week. I´m excited to see you all next week. I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy this season for Christmas. I love you all!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

Hello family!

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: Hello family!
Date: 10 Dec 2012 07:42:02 AM MST

Hello everyone. Well it looks like you all are having some fun in the snow up there. Its getting pretty hot here and really windy haha. When its hot and sweaty and you get all the dirt stuck on your face they call it a milanesa. So we had a little bit of that this week haha.

So this week was pretty good. We were able to meet again with Fabian a little bit. We were able to talk to him outside on his front porch because his wife was busy inside. But he said that he had read the Book of Mormon. He said he didn´t really feel anything. We then asked him if he had prayed and he said well yeah I guess I didn´t so that. So this week we committed him to pray and read this week. But Fabian is really likeing what we have to say. The other day we explained to him what was the purpose of the Book of Mormon and what it is. He really liked it and loved to opportunity to learn more about Jesus Christ through a new book. We have an appointment with him and his wife tomorrow so hopefully we can get them with a baptismal date.

This week unfortunately we weren´t able to see Omar. We did go by yesterday to see how he was doing and to set up an appointment. He told his wife about what he felt the other time. Then he said that he wanted us to come by for an asado soon haha. So we were down for that. But Omar is doing really well. I´m praying that we can start seeing him more consistantly and we can work our these scheduling conflicts.

So this week we got transfer calls. I´m staying here in Parque 2 but Elder Ruano is going up to Neuquén. My new comp is Elder Julcahuanca haha, pretty crazy last name. He is from Peru so Nate might be accustomed to last names like that. But from what I have heard is that he is a good guy and is buena onda so that should be fun. Last night we saw off Elder Stokes who is going home. Its pretty weird to see one of your comps go home what is pretty crazy is that I almost have the same amount of time that he had when he was with me. That all went by really fast. Its crazy to thing that I really don´t have that much time left and how in really need to take advantage of it.

Well I love you all so much. I hope you have a wonderfull week doing all sorts of fun stuff in the snow. Oh and for Christmas we can call on the 24 or the 25 so let me know what would work best fro you guys. Love you all!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: pictures
Date: 10 Dec 2012 07:51:28 AM MST

So the first picture was on Friday. It was super windy and we were walking down the street. We were walking under a tree then all of a sudden a gust of wind came and a branch stabbed me in the nose. Here in Argentina nobody trims their trees enough for tall people like me. It was actually bleeding pretty good haha.

Cut nose

The other one is our district with our zone leaders.

District with zone leaders