Kyle’s Travel Itinerary (Coming Home)

It seems like yesterday we were waiting in anticipation for Kyle’s travel itinerary to leave the United States for twenty-two months in Argentina. We waited anxiously for that email letting us know when he would leave and finally received it nearly two years ago. This evening we received Kyle’s itinerary to return home after serving honorably. It made it sink in, that he truly will be coming home shortly. We can’t wait to see him return but also will miss the weekly emails that have brought us such great blessings.

Once again, Kyle will travel with his MTC companion Elder Kimball but without Hermana Sandorf who finished her mission six months earlier. It will just be the two of them returning but carrying with them two years of the wonderful experience of a mission and the knowledge that they served faithfully. (jh)

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Hello family

From: Kyle Hudgins
Subject: Hello family
Date: 30 Jul 2013 05:42:42 AM MDT

Well I know that youre all probably freaking out that I didn´t send a letter to all you the other day but hopefully the letter today will make it up to you.

So this week has been pretty amazing and really packed full. We had to go around all the mission to do the zone conferences. It really has been a blast. Sometimes it was a little intimadating. We started out with the Roca zone which was pretty tranquilo. But on tuesday we had zone confernce with both the Nuequen zone and the Nuequen Oeste zone. There were like 50 missionaries that I had to train. Now that was a little intimidating but it was also really fun. One of the really crazy things was that at the end they invite all the missionareis that are going home in the next two transfers to bear their tesitmony. So one of those missionaries was me. That was really a cool experience. It was a chance to see how much my tesitmony has grown over the past two year. So after the conferences here in the north we traveled down to Esquel. It was a really cool experience to see some familiar faces. But was that coolest thing was is that we stayed the whole weekend because president had to be there for district conference. So on Friday after the zone conference I was able to go down to Trevelin to visit some people. Everybody was happy that I could actually talk this time. We were able to go out with the Asbell´s who are the matrimony that are down there. They are awesome and they were really greatfull for my help. One of the really cool things is that we were alble to visit Prosperina. Unfortunatly she has been inactive since March. We talked to her and she said she felt a lot better about the visit. We comitted her to go to chruch next week so I really hope and pray that she will. But on sunday it was awesome to see everyone. The nicklitcheks, the gangas, and also Paola and her son Irving both went. IT was a really great meeting and hopefully it help Paola a lot. We also went to visit her and she really has progressed a lot over these past two years. She is trying to get married so she can get baptized but she and her boyfriend keep running into problems. Hopefully they can do it. It weould be awesome to see her get baptized.

I´m sorry I haven´t been able to send pictures. I can´t figure out whats wrong but I can get the file to pull up on the computers with all my pictures. Hopefully next week I will be able to. I love you all an dhope you have an amazing week!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

Some news

From: Kyle Hudgins
Subject: Some news
Date: 15 Jul 2013 08:22:13 AM MDT

Well hello everyone. Its fun to write you today from my new area. I would think that you will all be excided to hear about where i am. Well today I am writing you from the comfotable mission office because I have been assigned to be the next assistant to the president. Yeah pretty crazy no? I was really surprised and its going to be a really cool experience.

Well this week we were able to have the baptism of Sabrina. It was a really special baptismal service. All of the Barraza family was there and also Sabrina´s parents came and they really liked the service. We showed a video that showed the testimonies of all the apostles and he told us that he really believe that all the things they were saying were true. So we set up an appointment to go by this week.

We were also able to make a lot of progress with another parrt member family. Brenda is a less acitve member who says she really wants to return to church. She is living with her boyfriend Sergio. He accepted a fecha for the 17 of agust and they are both really excited to start changing their lives and go to church.

So yeah its going to be a pretty crazy experience being assistant but I am pretty excited to be with Elder Wagstaff again. We will also be in a trio with Elder Zimbleman for a week and a half so that will be fun as well.

Sorry but I forgot my camera in the house. I love you all and I promise pictures next week. I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

Hello Family

From: Kyle Hudgins
Subject: Hello Family!
Date: 25 Mar 2013 07:31:59 AM MDT

Well this week was pretty awesome. We had a couple of miricles and a lot of good things happen to our investigators.

Anyway, I´ll start with Yaneth. I don´t know if i mentioned about her a while back, but she is the girlfriend of a member menos activo here. Before I got here she had gone to church quite a few times. But my second week here her mom made her stop going to church because she says we are a cult. So we had no contact with her for the past 2 months or so. Also her boyfriend Nestor got discouraged and everything and we lost contact with him as well. But this week we went by and found Nestor. He recently had a surgery and wanted us to come by. So now he is living with Yaneth behind his grandmas house. We talked and asked Yaneth about her situation and explained that she wanted to get baptized but her mom wouldn´t let her. But now that she is living outside the house she told us that she really wants to now. So we talked with them and told them that they first need to start doing all the things to get married. So this week they comitted to start all the tramites and everything. So hopefully in about 2 weeks they can get married. And right after that Yaneth will get baptized. It was awesome and really an answer to our prayers. We had been praying a lot for Yaneth but she just wasn´t living in a good eviroment in her house. Yesterday she came to chruch and we had a special stake converence via satelite. Elder Russell M. Nelson, Elder Clayton and Elder Bowen all spoke and it was an awesome conference. Elder Russell spoke (in castellano as well) about how we can only recieve the exaltation by being married in the temple. So it was perfect for them. I´m super excited for these two. We showed Yaneth a picture of the temple and loved it. So we are super blessed to have them coming to church again.

Also with Roberto. He was getting a little disanimated because he is realizing now that he can´t really progess more with out being married. But we comitted him to come to the conference yesterday and also to prepare himself for the general conference in two weeks. He came yesterday and loved it as well. I love it how all the people who spoke were very direct and I think it help Roberto understand the importance of marriage in God´s plan. This week we will go by and hopefully he will be doing a little better. We keep praying for him that he can commit to live the law of chastity. Hopefully these conferences will help him have enough faith to do it.

So this morning we got an email from President telling us that Elder Cook of the twelve is going to be visiting the mission on June 1! So that is going to be an awesome experience. Im very excited to meet him.

Well I love you all and hope you all have a wonderfull week! Thank you for all the letters!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

A couple pictures from San Martin.

San Martin

San Martin

So its kind of hard to tell but in this one we climbed a really steep mountain to get to a neighbor hood that was on the mountain side.

Steep climb

Steep climb

Crazy Week!!

Kyle will be serving as a Zone Leader in Zapala.  His zone covers some of the prettiest parts of Argentina. (jh)

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: Crazy Week!!
Date: 21 Jan 2013 11:43:13 AM MST

Well we have had a pretty crazy week here in Parque 2. I guess I´ll start with transfers! I turns our that I will be leaving today at 10:30 to go tooo……… Zapala as a zone leader! Crazy huh? It should be really fun though. My new comp is elder Irala and I´ve heard a lot of good things about him, but what everone says is that he walks really fast haha so we´ll see how it goes. But its a little intimidating but I talked to the president this morning and he says that he has all the confidence in me so it will be really fun. I will get to know San Martin de los Andes too so that will be nice to see some very pretty areas.

So this week we were able to see some progress in Omar. He started reading and is really likeing the things that he reads. He is developing a testimony of the Book of Mormon which is awesome. The next thing that we need to work on is just getting him to church. I know that if he comes he will find the disire to get baptized in this church.

This week we also found a new investigator, her name is  Schirley. She is really nice but super catholic. Its really interesting because I haven´t really taught many catholics in the mission pretty much everyone has been evangelical. But we talked about the Book of Mormon and she said that there is no way that Christ came to the americas. WE had a good chat with her thought. She was very nice though and wants us to come back and talk more about this Chirst is the americas. Hopefully the missionaries can continue teaching her and eventually teach all of her family.

Well I hope you all have a great week. I love you all very much. Next week i´ll be writing from the wonderful city of Zapala. Have a wonderful day!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

Hello everyone!

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: Hello everyone!
Date: May 14, 2012 6:21:51 PM MDT

Well I just got here to Esquel to get ready to leave here to Rawson so I thought that I would take a little time to write a quick email in the nearby cyber. So yup I´m going to Rawson and I´m pretty excited for that. I´m excited to see the beach. That will be fun to go from the mountains to the coast. My new companion is Elder Rivera from El Salvador. The people in my district that know him say that he is a really funny guy so we will see how it goes but im pretty excited to speak spanish all the time now. It will really help me.

This week was a little tough especially for me. It was hard to focus on the work with transfers coiming up but all in all we had some good success. We were able to find a lot of new investigators so that was awesome. There was this one girl, Maria. We were just walking down the street and and Elder Stokes had the impression to knock this one house. So we went and she answered and all we had to say what our names were and she let us in. We walked in and she had an open bible on her table so that was awesome. She is already married so that is a very good sign (not a lot of people are married around here). We had a good talk about the church in the time of Christ and his authority and she told us to come back in the next week. Hopefully they will be able to progress in the gospel because that was really a miracle.

Well I don´t have too much time so I just want to wish all those mothers out there a happy (late) Mother´s day. I´m so gratefull for my mom and I have been able to realize all the things that she has done for me in my life on my mission. I love you mom and thank you for all you do for me.

Well Next week i´ll be able to fill you in on my new area. I hope you all have a great week and I love you all!

Elder Kyle Hudgins

Hola a mis queridos

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: Hola a mis queridos
Date: February 20, 2012 7:34:30 AM MST

Hey how is everything going at home! Its awesome to hear from all you again. I always get excited on Monday´s to read all the emails. Thank you all for all the love and support and thank you for always making my Monday´s awesome.

This week was pretty awesome. We were able to go to Trelew on Wednesday to listen to Elder Foster of the second quorum of the seventy. It was pretty awesome. I really though he was going to drop cane on us but he was actually just really loving and ecouraging on helping us be better missionaries. He talked about improving ourselves on being more obedient and then using the help of the members and us helping the members as well. He said that if we do that our baptisms will increase a lot. He was a really nice guy but he spoke mexican spanish and it made me realize how dirty it is. Argentine spanish is no doubt the best spanish out there, creéme (a little bit of vos for all you). While we were in Trelew we were able to work the day there because our bus didn´t leave till 10:30 at night. Elder Clark and I ate lunch with Elder Kimball and his comp Elder Brown. Elder Brown was in Elder Clark´s district in the MTC so we all knew each other. We ordered this pizza that was seriously the best pizza I have ever had, the Fugaceta. Oh man soooo much queso it was delicious. So we visited some of Elder Clark´s converts and some of the members. We had a lesson with one of the members who did a lot of work with Elder Clark. His mom is not a member. The Hermanas who are in the area where also there which was awesome. So we had 4 missionaries and 5 members all in one lesson for one person. It was awesome. We invited her to be baptized but didn´t really accept it but she knows that this church is true and I´m sure she will be baptized in no time.

So we got back to Tevelin on Thursday morning and Elder Clark was not feeling good and started to throw up and stuff so we had to stay in all day. So that was kind of a drag to lose 2 work days of the week. Another thing that sucks is that we lost our keys and we think they might have fallen out of Elder Clark´s poket on the bus so now we have to get into our pension through the window which is getting a little old by now haha.

So transfers were this week and we found out that Elder Clark is staying here for another 6 weeks. So thats pretty sweet. We really feel that the field here is ready to be harvest here. We have put in a lot of work so far to plant some seeds so we just gotta keep working on it and thrust in our sickels. Its pretty exciting but there is still a lot of work. We really have to get people to church. There are a lot of people that want to be baptized and could if they just attendent church so hopefully we can get them going here.

Well thats about all. I hope you all have an awesome week and have fun at work tomorrow, Dad. Oh and I actually got the package last Tuesday. Thank you for the ties they are awesome and thanks for the shirt Tyler. I love you all and hope you have an awesome week.

Les amo,
Elder Kyle Hudgins

First Pictures from Argentina

Kyle had sent some pictures from Argentina.  He actually sent them last week but they failed to arrive because they were too large.  That has now been fixed and Kyle resent the pictures.  (jh)

From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Date: Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 4:03 PM
Subject: pictures!

I had my first asado this week it was really good. I also saw Matt Kelly at the airport in Buenos Aires. He was picking up missionaries going to his mission so that was cool. I didn’t even know i was going to Argentina so it was a big surprise. Put that on my facebook my friends would probably like to see that. And of course we had to do the traditional map picture with my MTC district.

Kyle followed up with a quick little note that kind of fit with his email about the pictures so I thought I would add it to the post.  (jh)

oh and also one more thing. I forget to say this every time. Can you make it so i stop getting emails from facebook. When i put my email on there it started sending them to me. I promise i have not gotten on the website but seeing that someone said something about me is a huge temtation haha. If you could do that that would be awesome

Elder Clark and Elder Hudgins at an asado.

Elder Hudgins in Trevelin.

Elder Matt Kelly with Elder Hudgins at the Buenos Aires Airport.

From the left, Elder Todd Kimball, Elder Kyle Hudgins, Hermana Bretleigh Sandorf, Elder Runyan, Elder Hoth, Hermana Nelson, Hermana Sweet, Elder Hoth, Hermana Shoaf, Elder Dalton, Elder King and Elder Hancock.

Letter and picture from the Mission Office

We received an email from the mission office this morning.  It included a picture of Kyle with President Peterson and his wife as well as a scanned hand written letter from Kyle. The picture and transcribed letter are below.  (jh)

¡Hola Familia!

Just wanted to let you know that I finally made it to Neuquén!  It was a very long trip.  We arrived Tuesday night at about 11:00 PM.  Once we got to Buenos Aires at like 10:00 AM, they put us all in a bus to go to a smaller airport in Buenos Aires.  It was like an hour bus ride all the way across town.  We passed the Buenos Aires Temple which was awesome.  Tyler would like to know that we passed the stadium where River plays.  That was cool as well (But they say in this mission we are Boca fans).

So we got to the airport around 12:00 and I was pretty much in shock because I couldn’t understand anyone.  I had no idea what was going on, it was just crazy.  There was a guy that was just telling us what to do and where to go and he only spoke Spanish so it was a little difficult.  He was a nice guy and bought us lunch (Argentine pizza, it was a lot different than American pizza but it was alright).  Our flight to Neuquén wasn’t till 7 and 7 hours in an airport is a really long time!

We met up with 2 other missionaries from Paruguay and Mexico who were going to Neuquén as well.  It was fun talking in Spanish with them.  So when it was time to board the flight we got word that it had been delayed an hour (what’s another hour when you have been traveling for 30 hours!).  So we boarded a little after 8 and after another air taffic control delay we finally took off at 9.

It was so good to finally be in Neuquén.  We meet the President and his wife and the AP’s there and they took us to the mission home and got my first taste of empinadas.  They were very good.  I’m sure I’ll have plenty of those while in Argentina.

Well just wanted to let you know that I made it here safe and I love you all!

Les amo,
Elder Kyle Hudgins

Hermana Nola Peterson, Elder Kyle Hudgins and President Darwin Peterson

Argentina at last!

We just received a phone call from Hermana Nola Peterson, the wife of Kyle’s mission president.  After 36 hours of planes, airports and delays, Kyle is in Argentina.  Upon arriving at 11:00pm ART (Argentina Time) Kyle and his fellow travelers got to sleep in after arriving at the mission home.  They spent Wednesday and Thursday (Nov 30th and Dec 1st) in training classes and a bit of time in the evenings tracting in Neuquén.  Hermana Peterson said that Kyle and his companion were able tract into a lesson which they taught. I am not sure how much of a role Kyle played in that discussion but I am sure it was an eye opener to participate in a real conversation at real speaking speed with native Argentines. Thursday night they caught a bus and are now traveling for about 9 hours to their town of Trevelin.  Trevelin is a beautiful small town nestled up to the Andes south of Beriloche. His companion is an Elder Clark from Washington state.

Kyle’s P-Day and thus, day he will read and send emails is the normal P-Day on Mondays. We can’t wait to hear from him and will post any information as it comes.  (jh)